Exploring Cheongnamdae Location History Visiting Tips Operating Hours Attractions Features Precautions and More of South Korea's Beautiful Tourist Destination


Introducing Cheongnamdae: A Wonderful Travel Destination in South Korea


Today, let's explore one of the most delightful travel spots in South Korea - Cheongnamdae. Formerly the presidential retreat, this space holds historical significance as the place where past presidents spent vacations and deliberated on policies that shaped modern South Korea.


A Distant View of Cheongnamdae



646 Cheongnamdae-gil, Muneui-myeon, Sangdang-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do


Map related to Cheongnamdae



Built in 1983, Cheongnamdae served as the presidential retreat until 2003, when it was opened to the public, becoming a popular tourist destination.


Originally named "Yeongchunjae," meaning "welcoming spring," it was renamed Cheongnamdae in 1986. Since opening to the public, it has welcomed over 8 million visitors, gaining fame as a well-managed tourist spot.


The main building of Cheongnamdae and the fountain in front of it

Restricted Access


Access to Cheongnamdae was restricted before its public opening. Only certain individuals, including the president, family members, prime minister, ministers, and foreign dignitaries, were allowed. Now, anyone can visit by paying an admission fee.


When Flowers Bloom The Beauty of Cheongnamdae

How to Get There


Public transportation might be inconvenient, so it's best to visit by car or motorcycle. With parking space for up to 500 vehicles, parking is affordable and readily available.


The vast field at Cheongnamdae

Operating Hours


Peak Season


From February to November, Cheongnamdae is open from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with last entry at 4:30 PM.


Off-peak Season


From December to January, the operating hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with last entry at 3:30 PM.


Closed Days


Closed on Mondays between April to June and October to November. Also closed on Mondays year-round, New Year's Day, Lunar New Year, and Chuseok. It's essential to check operating hours due to these closures.




Nestled amidst nature, Cheongnamdae is a former presidential retreat. With its considerable size and excellent management, visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery and tranquil ambiance.


Attractions include the presidential villa, walking trails, seasonal flowers and trees, musical fountains, Metasequoia Road, and various exhibitions. Spring is especially enchanting with blooming flowers.


Scenic Views of Blossoming Cheongnamdae and Its Fountain

Tour Routes and Duration


Various tour routes are available, typically covering the Presidential Memorial Hall, main building, and the Octagonal Pavilion. Basic tours last 1-2 hours, while longer hikes or walks can extend up to 4 hours, catering to different preferences.


The trees reflected on the dam at Cheongnamdae



Cooking indoors is prohibited, but visitors can bring prepared food and beverages. There are also options to purchase packaged food on-site.


Photography is restricted in certain areas, so be mindful of signage indicating no photography.


The Scenery of Flowers at Cheongnamdae



In conclusion, I've introduced Cheongnamdae, once the presidential retreat, as a must-visit destination. With its well-maintained walking trails and breathtaking scenery, it's an ideal place to unwind and enjoy nature's beauty.
